Accenture| OFFSET Dublin 2016


This year, OFFSET was delighted to announce a new collaboration with innovation giants Accenture, with a dedicated stage over the three days packed full of talks, panels and discussions. Entitled Innovation by Design, the programme for this stage was jam packed with everything from AI and Customer Insights to Music in a Digital Age and Living Organisations. We were delighted to record some of these Accenture talks and share them, as we look to next February and a bigger and bolder OFFSET Dublin in 2017.


First up we have a panel discussion with Lian Bell, James Northridge, Timi Ogunyemi and Merici Vinton exploring current and emergent efforts and thinking behind ways to create an industry that is led by and works for all. A real eye opener for anyone interested in diversity in an industry.


A keynote from Fabio Mastroianni, from Fjord Stockholm. In this presentation, looking at design vs. new skills, Fabio discussed the design process that he used to create new business models and products. This talk features a great mix of facts, strategies and laughs and definitely worth a look.


A huge hit at the Accenture stage over OFFSET 2016 was a panel discussion on the world of Artificial Intelligence…It’s back and this time it’s ubiquitous. How is the design community responding? Connor Upton, Padraig Mannion, Emmet Connolly & John Huikku discussed and explored what the future holds.


Another great talk on the Accenture stage at Offset Dublin 2016, design duo, Christopher Boenke and Scott Robinson from Fjord Berlin, talk organisation design and changing culture and explaining that creating a community culture within the workplace, which means more than putting a ping pong table in the common room.

Also check out the Accenture video from OFFSET 2016 here and keep an eye for more Dublin 2017 news soon. You can also see more of our archive here for the best talks from OFFSET Dublin 2016.